
12 months in 14 photos

Photos 1 - 3
Exactly one year ago, Amherst was gathering and celebrating as a community, shoulder to shoulder - and the only thing that seemed contagious were positive vibes. 

Photos 4 - 6
hen the pandemic hit. My neighbors passed the time creating ironic face coverings and I started seeing my kids and friends from across the back yard and across the street. 

Photos 7 & 8
In March, as more and more people started relying on food banks, I joined the Front Steps Project, a fundraiser started by photographer Cara Soulia. Free of charge, and observing strict social distance guidelines, I photographed of 207 local families. In exchange, they donated almost $19,000 to the Amherst Survival Center. In addition to supporting their neighbors in a time of need, this project allowed people to virtually connect with each other in a meaningful way.

Photos 9 - 14
Despite the pandemic, 2020 has seen more protests across the country than any year on record.  Taking photographs has helped me process everything that has been happening, and to express what I feel, see and think. These are a few images from protests in Amherst, South Hadley and Springfield.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”
Angela Davis